In less than a week, I turn 30. So for the past few days I’ve been reflecting on my 20s. This has been a fun process, as I’ve attempted to recount the various “achievements” or “milestones” I’ve hit in the last ten years, while also reading other blogs about 20s. Interestingly, the top two pages of Google are full of posts related to “what I SHOULD HAVE DONE” in my 20s, or “things I wish I had known in my 20s.” In comparison, articles about 30s take more of a “lessons I learned in my 30s” tone. The difference is that it feels most people regret some of their 20s and wished they had been more mature financially, within relationships, and with the creation and formation of healthy habits. Whereas reflections on 30s seems more about lessons finally learned…

But for me, I don’t have a lot of regret for my 20s. Until recently, I have been extremely dialed in my life: maintaining order in my finances, productivity, learning, development of community, early wake ups, routines, and health and fitness.

But there are SO many places in my life that I still have loads to learn. What does it mean to be devotional? What is compounding power of disciplined and long-term attention to any one topic? What is a long term relationship and how do I do one? What does it mean to love unconditionally?

I’m excited to embrace the cleansing of one decade down, another to go. Meanwhile, I want to celebrate the things I consider personal achievements in the last 10 years:


  • Invented touchscreen gloves
  • Continued writing career through content marketing and Kapost
  • Got recruited by Microsoft
  • Got recruited by Galvanize
  • Transitioned into the cannabis business industry
  • Invested in a company
  • Named “Best Practice in Marketing Strategy” (Microsoft Recognition 2016)
  • Named Best Copywriter (2016)
  • Named a “100 Must-Follow Coloradans on Twitter” (2014)
  • Won the Best New Company 2011 & Best New Product Awards for Agloves (2011)
  • Named 1 of 21 Content Marketing Experts (2016)

  • Achieved my 5-year goal for salary
  • Achieved my 5-year goal of moving out of Boulder (Seattle)
  • Achieved my 5-year goal to live internationally for at minimum 6 months (Canada)
  • Travelled to: Puerto Rico, Cuba, Colombia, The Netherlands, The UK, France, China, Nepal, India, Alaska, Mexico, Canada
  • Lived in my car for 6 months
  • Bought a Sprinter van

  • Took first place in a 24-hour running race
  • Got second place in two half-marathons
  • Ran my first marathon
  • Learned to trad climb, and met my goal of leading 5.11c trad
  • Learned to ski
  • Learned to mountain bike

  • Focused on important friendships to me
  • Put endless energy into developing safe circles of friends where people feel welcome and open
  • Jumped two feet into love.It’s funny, I look at this list and am met with two feelings that are seemingly n opposition: Feeling like I haven’t done enough, and feeling like I’ve done a lot! But wondering “am I doing the right things? Or doing things right ?


    In my 30s I’m in interested in focusing on longterm commitments including eduction, career, relationships, and where I live. A focus on depth, to build on my breadth.

    In five years, I hope to be an influencer in my marketing field, know how to ice and mixed climb, and go to Patagonia to climb fitz roy.