
Archive: July 2013

29 Jul

On July 13, 2013 my friend Emma and I did some volunteer trail building on the back side of Mt. Sanitas in Boulder, Colo. It was way more rewarding than I had hoped. Not only was it a great workout, but[…]

29 Jul

Okay well maybe not in this exact moment…. They include a small rural school in washington state, large urban schools in new jersey, and religious schools in pennsylvania

25 Jul

I’m headed to Prince William Sound, Alaska to go fishing on a boat on August 15.  It’s gonna be amazing. Metcalf, an assistant write essay on education attorney general of oregon, who was arguing the state’s case

25 Jul

I work in co-working space in Boulder, Colorado.  A place where entreprenuers, small business owners and otherwise interesting people. It’s called the HUB.  It’s wicked cool, and highly recommended if you are looking for an awesome spot.  Connections are made[…]

18 Jul

People still ask me, “Why in the world did you quit your job at The Wall Street Journal?”  It’s been more than three years, and my answer has been the same: because in Boulder I have muscles.  Yesterday was the epitome[…]

16 Jul

So I’m 25 and love the idea and power of digital communications. A year ago I realized that while I’m pretty savvy in terms of UI/UX design, web content, web navigation and developing online personalities. I had no idea how[…]
