
Archive: August 2016

30 Aug

Holy guacamole. August was one of the most climbing-centric months I’ve ever lived. Between vacation, switching jobs, and a Colorado wedding, my life took me by the reigns and landing me in some of the most glorious climbing destinations ever[…]

12 Aug

I’m starting a new job next week. I feel what I always feel starting new jobs: excitement, un-ease, enthusiasm, anticipation, doubt, nervousness: “Am I going to like the people?” “Will I fit in within the culture?” “Will I like my job?” “Should I[…]

9 Aug

We decided to attempt the El Capitan route while perusing guidebook (amazing book, you should buy one) over a healthy meal of cauliflower fried rice and veggies. The book described the climb as 4-pitches of 5. 10+ OW, with a 3-hour approach. Chris[…]

9 Aug

The Start of the 10-Day Staycation I took 10 days off of work last week for a climbing vacation. At first it was meant to be 2 days in Washington Pass climbing with some girlfriends in the Mazama area, followed[…]
